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Everything Google

Google Backup & Sync

Use Google backup & sync to backup all your files in one folder. This will allow you to access your work on any device in case of an issue with your primary computer.


How to use Google Drive 

This is a tutorial that will take you through the features of Google Drive. How you can access the files you are backing up and syncing along with instructions on how to share files with others. 

Google Docs

This Google tutorial will guide you through the basics of using the amazing Google Docs word processor. Here are a few target things you can do with Google Docs in the classroom once you are comfortable with the application: ELL & 504 Language Supports

Google Slides

PowerPoint is cool but with Google Slides you can embed video, share, collaborate and do so much more! This Google tutorial will teach you the basics and links at the bottom of the page will guide you toward more advanced features when you're ready

Google Sheets

Anything EXCEL can do, Google sheets can do better

Google Forms

Use forms to streamline organization. Use this Google Tutorial to get started with the basics. Here are some amazing templates created by Cari Ortis from friEDTechnology.

Google Classroom

Use Google Classroom to create an easy to use learning environment for your students. This link provides beginner to advanced How-To videos. 

G- Suites Basics Activity

This "Stranger Things" webquest-like activity helps pairs explore the basic features of G-Suite that can assist with differentiation and scaffolding in the classroom.  

Using Google Products in the Classroom - Ideas, Templates, & Tutorials

-Alice Keeler has great blog tutorials and templates on her site

-FriedTech Ideas & Great Templates for Google Forms

-Google Sheets Ideas

-Google Docs –

-Google Slides –

-Google Sheets –

-Google Drawings –

-36 Ways to use Google Docs in the classroom (older version but great ideas)

-Advanced Google Slides Add-Ons

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