- School-Wide Counseling & Restorative Student Support
- Parent and Student Resources
- Referral for Counseling Email
- McReynolds Counseling Program
Parent and Student Resources
Magnet High School Application Process
All 8th Graders should apply to at least 5 different High School choices by the end of November. A quick guide to the application process is available by clicking here. A listing of schools by genre and other recommendations is available here.
Naviance Career Key & Interest Inventories
Students can explore there career interests and start planning what classes to take in High School and College by clicking this link.
Assistance for Parents
Dress for Success Houston provides Women with help obtaining clothing for work and job interviews. Please contact (713) 957-3779 for more information
Houston Salvation Army
provides assistance from housing and eviction, clothing, food, bill pay assistance and other services. Please call (713) 752-0677 or visit this website for more information.
Community Family Centers of Houston
Provides food pantry, and access to other resources across Houston.
More information:
7524 Avenue E
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 923-2316
Houston Children's Charity
This charity provides beds for children and other assistance.
For more information:
230 Westcott, Suite 202
Houston, Texas 77007
Client & Program Services: (713) 864-2824
Free Counseling Services
Free Therapists for Students & Low-Cost Therapy for Adults
Students & parents can contact the school counselor John Laymon at 713-556-2356 for more information to have a student see a licensed therapist at school during the week. Adults can also receive information about low-cost therapy at Vecino clinic in the Denver Harbor area.
Uniforms, Medication, & School Supplies
Uniforms & Medication
Students & parents can contact the school nurse Martha Jimenez at 713-556-2358 for assistance with clothing and medication.
School Supplies
Students & parents can contact the school counselor John Laymon at 713-556-2356 for assistance with school supplies.
Food Services
HISD Dinner Program
Due to Hurricane Harvey for the 2017-2017 school year, all children up to age 18 can get free dinner from 3:45PM-4:45PM in the McReynolds Cafeteria.
Backpack Buddies Program
The Backpack Buddies program is for our most neediest families and provides a package of food to be taken home over the weekend for the individual student. Please contact Mr. Laymon to sign up for consideration.
- Backpack Buddies Informational Flyer - English
- Backpack Buddies Informational Flyer - Spanish
- Backpack Buddies Teacher Referral Form 2017-2018
- Parent Permission Form English & Spanish 2017-2018
Community Family Centers Food Pantry
Students and families can get food daily from 8AM-4PM. The food pantry is located at:
7524 Avenue E
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 923-2316
There is a one-time $5 processing fee. All individuals over 18 seeking a pantry card must present one of the following: TX Driver's license, Birth Certificate, Consulate ID, or Passport. For individuals under 18 a birth certificate is required.
You must bring proof of address [document from the last 30 days]: current utility bill, or apartment lease/contract. Proof of address must state the person registering for food pantry service.
Income verification is also required by one of the following: last 3 paycheck stubs or if paid in cash a letter from employer on company letterhead, or current social security, food stamp, or medicaid award letter, or current back statement indicating direct deposit of benefits, or last income tax statement.